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Stefano Lambiase

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Salerno, Italy, where I also completed my Ph.D. My research focuses on software engineering and software project management, with a strong emphasis on socio-technical aspects of software development. My work explores the intersection of social, managerial, and technological dimensions within software engineering, employing diverse empirical methodologies such as literature reviews, quantitative studies (e.g., partial least squares structural equation modeling), and qualitative approaches (e.g., grounded theory). During my Ph.D., I investigated distributed software development, particularly analyzing the impact of cultural factors and values on software engineering processes. More recently, I have examined the role of virtual reality in enhancing collaboration within development teams and have begun exploring the integration of generative AI agents. My research aims to bridge the gap between empirical findings and practical applications, making insights more accessible to software practitioners. My postdoctoral work extends into the field of quantum software engineering, where I investigate socio-technical dynamics within open-source communities that develop quantum software. This line of research contributes to a broader understanding of how emerging technologies and collaborative ecosystems shape software development practices. Additionally, I have a strong interest in video game software engineering, particularly in understanding how development teams collaborate and how socio-technical factors influence game production. My research in this area explores topics such as team dynamics, the integration of AI-driven tools in game development, and the impact of cultural diversity on creative processes.

Personal info

Stefano Lambiase
Place of birth
Salerno (SA)

Contact info

Institutional E-mail

Research Interests

Social and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
Software Project Management

Software Bot

Software Maintenance and Evolution


Hobbies & Interests

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  • 🚶‍♂️
  • 😼

Erwin Bot

🤖 Chat bot for management support built with Azure Cloud Services. Produced for the Cloud Computing course of Computer Science at University of Salerno. It offers the manager the opportunity to communicate in an organized manner with the project team and, at the same time, monitor and organize the various activities under development.


📕 🎓 Spring Boot Web App for library support. Produced for the Software Engineering and Software Project Management courses of Computer Science at University of Salerno.


DARTS (Detection And Refactoring of Test Smells) is an Intellij plug-in which (1) implements a state-of-the-art detection mechanism to detect instances of three test smell types, i.e., General Fixture, Eager Test, and Lack of Cohesion of Test Methods, at commit-level and (2) enables their automated refactoring through the integrated APIs provided by Intellij.